Friday, July 1, 2011

At St. Vincent's
Love and affection. Human needs that are as close to the heart as food and shelter. When one brings gifts to Haiti, there is not a greater gift then sharing ones self with others.

Haiti is a proud country. One can watch the network news stations and only find all the negative issues in life. If one gets on an airplane and travels to Haiti, one will find how wonderful the Haitian people are.

Sitting here in Le Plaza Hotel, with the tent city only 200 yards away, one is overcome with how peaceful the Haitian people. In Tulsa and many other communities in the USA one would be hearing sirens and gunshots. In Port Au Prince it is hot and humidand living conditions are miserable … but despite this most evenings one experiences peace and quiet.

But what really touches ones heart is the Haitian youth at St. Vincent's School for handicapped children; resilience, love and happiness despite all the challenges.